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strong measure 強硬手段。

strong sand

And even if it had been in place , it would not have revealed that hwang had misrepresented photographs from two stem cell colonies as coming from 11 colonies . ( nature ' s campbell would not answer questions about review policy or the status of hwang ' s 2005 nature paper on the cloning of snuppy the dog , which nature is investigating . ) with the financial and deadline pressures of the publishing industry , it ' s unlikely that the journals are going to take markedly stronger measures to vet manuscripts 發表于去年6月《自然》雜志上的一項對科學工作者的問卷調查顯示,所有回答調查問卷的人中,三分之一有過某種形式的不當行為,其中包括偽造研究數據以及與學生和實驗對象有著“可疑關系” ? ?二者都是針對黃禹錫的譴責。

The fellow villager organizations were important folk strength , and played the extremely essential role in social extension , such as innon - native population ' s management , aid to the weak potential crowd , taking strong measures agairst crimes and keeping the urban security , mediation of civil disputes as well as participation in municipal administration 同鄉組織作為清末民初上海社會重要的民間力量,無論在外來人口的管理、弱勢人群的社會救助、打擊犯罪維護城市治安、調解民事糾紛以及參與市政管理等社會整合的多個方面都在很大程度上承擔并填補了官方缺位而留下的空白,在區城社會的轉型和整合中發揮了極為關鍵的作用。

Through the elaboration on the roles of internal control system in modern business management , the relations between internal control system and enterprise economic benefits have been emphasized , the limitation of internal control system and the current existence problems have been analyzed , and finally strong measure and method for modern enterprise to reinforce internal control system , as well as the certainty for it to raise enterprise economic benefits have been discussed emphatically 摘要過對內部控制制度在現代企業管理中的作用闡述,強調了內部控制制度與企業經濟效益的關系,并對內部控制制度本身的局限性及當前存在的問題進行了分析,最后著重論述了在現代化企業強化內部控制制度的有力措施及方法,以及實現其提高企業經濟效益的必然性。

It is advantageous to intensify the scientific understandings for the crime of bills defraud if we analyze the components of bills defraud crime , and it is also beneficial to apply to the penalty properly and accomplish taking strong measures against the crimes in the practice without connivance and injustice of the crime accurately 分析票據詐騙罪的犯罪構成要件,有利于加深對票據詐騙罪的科學認識;研究票據詐騙罪的司法認定,有利于正確適用刑罰,做到在實踐中準確打擊犯罪,不縱不枉。

For the improvement of medi or mini stated - enterprises in hunan province , the views in the thesis include establishing favorable exterior condition and resultful publice policy , such as publice finance and taxation supporting policy , finance supporting system and socialized service system and taking strong measures on property right system 要搞好湖南的國有中小型企業,除了要花大力氣在產權制度上做文章,還需要構建良好的外部環境和有效的公共政策,如財稅扶持政策、金融支持體系、法律體系、社會保障體系和社會化服務體系等。

A large number of strong measures were accepted in the courses of development of the technology including forming a project technological group , staffing , drawing up proper policy and budgeting funds through communication and exchange , and taking measures of demonstration example for technological extension . significant effects and economical profit were gained in adopting the technology , which can raise sugarcane yield , sugar content in cane , cane production and induced production structure adjustment . the accumulated economic benefit has reached 113 million yuan 在廣西柳城縣蔗區柳城糖廠和鳳山糖廠1999 - 2001年采納10月開榨配套技術過程中,采取了推廣組織保障、推廣人員到位、技術投入和人力資源開發、溝通交流和示范點策略,開發特早熟甘蔗品種及配套技術,改良了蔗區品種結構,提高了蔗區的單產,總產和蔗糖分,累計經濟效益達1 . 13億元。

Three aspects must be grasped with the development of human resources in the western region of china : firstly , we should focus on fundamental education , especially compulsory education , enhance the comprehensive quality of future laborers , establish firm foundation for economical and social development of western region with high - quality human resources ; secondly , linking with strategy adjustment of economical structure , especially industrial structure , regional economy structure , urban and rural economical structure , we should take strong measures enhancing adult education , vocational education and contemporary internet education and supply the human resources with rich quantity and best quality for the adjustment of economical structure ; thirdly , implement talent strategy , strongly foster , bravely employ , reasonably introduce the talents and prepare the talents reservation for the development of economy and technology in western region of china 西部地區的人力資源開發必須抓好三大方面:一是抓好基礎教育,特別是義務教育,提高未來勞動者的整體素質,以高素質的人力資源為西部地區的經濟社會發展奠定堅實基礎;二是結合經濟結構的戰略性調整,特別是產業結構,區域經濟結構,城鄉經濟結構的調整,采取有力措施加強成人教育,職業教育和現代遠程教育,為經濟結構調整提供量足質優的人力資源;三是實施人才戰略,大力培養,大膽使用,合理引進人才,為西部地區經濟和科技發展做好人才的儲備工作。本文從西部地區人力資源現狀入手,對西部人力資源開發進行了探討。

In the second part , the article studies the system of civil evidence collection of america , england , germany and japan , france , soviet and russia by comparative way . at last , the article points out the aspect that may benefit us . for example , district the applicable range between the verhandlungsmaxime and undersuchungsmaxime explicitly ; give the parties strong measures to collect evidence and pay attention to protect the secret privilege of the opposites , and so on 論文的第二部分則對美國、英國、德國和日本、法國以及前蘇聯和俄羅斯的民事證據收集制度進行了比較研究,最后指出了其對我國具有較大借鑒意義的部分,如在民事訴訟中一般都采用辯論原則;在大陸法系還明確劃分了辯論原則與職權探知原則的適用范圍;賦予當事人強有力的收集證據的方法與手段;同時注意相對方秘密特權的保護等。

On one hand , controlling the size of dwelling area in grassland is a strong measure for the protection of grassland environment ; on the other hand , keeping the population in the grassland dwelling are up to a certain density is the key for the harmonious development of economy , community and culture of dweelers there 一方面,控制草原住區的規模無疑是保護草原環境的有力措施,另一方面,一定聚集度的草原住區是保障草原住區經濟、社會、文化協調發展的關鍵。

May it be goodly agreed with the is09000 , and how to carry out “ the process approach “ in charge of construction and pledge to science and strict program and plan , powerful and strong measure and means . promote the efficiency and benefit of work 那么如何與iso9000族標準很好地接軌,將“過程方法”應用到施工項目的質量控制當中去,保證其規劃、計劃的科學嚴謹,措施、手段的強勁得力,提高工作的效率和效益

The results indicate that there is an interactive and causal relationship between trade and economic growth and that increase in trade demands the support of a larger gdp and strong measures to develop export - oriented economy 結果顯示:貴州省進出口貿易與經濟增長之間存在著互動因果關系;貴州省的進出口貿易總額的增長,需要有更大的gdp總額的支撐和發展外向型經濟的有力措施。

In some extreme cases , you do need to answer with more forceful means . some people do that already and we do it on the peaceful side . we help so that in case strong measures are used , they will be minimized for the innocent 答:你說得對,在某些特殊的情況,確實需要使用一些比較強硬的手段去面對某些人,然而這世界上已經有人在用那種方法了,我們則從和平的方面盡力。

A wwf hong kong funded study raised doubts as to the feasibility of the dolphin sanctuary proposed by government , concluding that the successful conservation of the dolphins needs stronger measures than those currently proposed 世界自然基金會資助進行的海豚研究質疑政府建議成立的海豚保護區的效用,認為只有制定更強硬的措施才能成功存護中華白海豚。

Project manager responsibility system is an international mode that adopted to meet the acute completion over the world , and it is also a strong measure to strengthen the project management in our country 項目經理負責制是我國適應國內外競爭日趨激烈的發展形式而采用的國際通行方式,是加強我國項目管理的一項強有力的措施。

Quality monitoring in web - based instruction is the strong measures to ensure the quality of web - based instruction , and the choice of the ways of assessment for students will straightly affect the instruction 摘要網絡教學質量監控是保證網絡教育質量的有力手段,在監控過程中學生評價方式的選擇直接影響網絡教育中教與學活動。

The types and characteristics of present duty crime require that we should take strong measures against this crime on the one hand and reform the offenders on the other hand 現階段職務犯罪活動的類型特點及成因,要求既要嚴厲打擊嚴重的職務犯罪,又要大力預防該類犯罪和挽救失足者,不能采取單一的措施,必須綜合治理。

Even if we have to use strong measures , we don t want to use them for long , so prayers and positive thinking will help to shorten them and to minimize their effects 即使必須使用強硬的手段,我們也不希望它持續太長久的時間,所以祈禱和肯定的思想會縮短強硬手段持續的時間把負面的影響降到最低。

During the spread of the plague , the people 、 gentleman 、 oversea chinese 、 church took various measuresto cope with plague , the local government also took strong measures to controlplague 在鼠疫流行時,民眾、士紳、華僑、教會等未取各種措施來應對疫情,地方政府也采取有力措施來控制疫情。

We know it is easy in china to buy pirated vcdor dvd or books , what do you think of this ? does your government take strong measures to stop this 我們知道在中國是很容易買到盜版的vcd或dvd或書,你是如何看待這個問題的?中國政府采取強硬措施阻止這個嗎?